
The Ramras Voter Poll - click here

Jay Ramras Biography - click here - for the descriptive version click here

Jay Ramras Voter's Guide Profile - click here

Jay Ramras Official Positions - click here

Jay Ramras on YouTube

Ramras Quotes:

“Community leaders need to be good listeners–that’s the only way they can make informed decisions. I enjoy hearing what people have to say and listening to their concerns, but I am also a man of action. Talking about issues is healthy, but getting things done is what matters most."

“Fairbanks has rewarded my hard work with success in the hotel and restaurant business for almost 20 years, and now I am returning the favor by going to work on your behalf in Juneau. I have the energy and the real-life experience to get things done and am honored to represent you in the legislature."

“I have been a strong Republican since I worked on Governor Hickel’s campaign as a teenager. My time in D.C. - working for Senator Stevens during the Reagan era - taught me the principles of low taxes and less government in our lives."

“Alaska needs to focus on these principles now more than ever. Let’s be fiscally conservative, maintain a pro-life posture, develop our Great Land’s resources wisely, and slow the educational brain-drain of our youth leaving the state by creating economic opportunity.”






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